
Welcome to Beef Yield Grade Calculator
by Running Deer Farms

This utility will calculate the yield grade of beef cattle given live weight, REA, FOE, and KPH.

How often have you found yourself trying to remember how to calculate a yield grade? With Beef Yield Grade Calculator, determining the yield grade of an animal is a snap. The preliminary yield grade and all adjustments are displayed for reference.

Beef Yield Grade Calculator Screen Shot

Calculate the Yield Grade of an Animal

  Calculating the yield grade of an animal is simple and quick. Just follow these steps:
  1. Launch the Beef Yield Grade Calculator from the Start menu.

  2. In the Live Weight field enter the weight of the animal in pounds.

  3. In the Rib Eye Area field enter the animal's rib eye area in square inches.

  4. In the Fat Over Rib Eye field enter the animal's fat over the rib eye in tenths if an inch, using decimal format.

  5. In the Kidney, Pelvic, and Heart Fat field enter the animal's kidney, pelvic, and heart fat percentage, using decimal format.

  6. Press Calculate and the animal's yield grade will display in the Yield Grade field.

  7. To calculate another, press Clear Fields and enter the data for that animal.

For those of you who prefer not to use the mouse:
  • The TAB key will move the cursor from field to field.

  • The ENTER key will move through the fields. ENTER in the KPH field will automatically calculate the yield grade and return you to the Live Weight field. This saves the extra step of pressing Calculate.

  • As you enter a field, using ENTER or TAB in place of the mouse, the contents of the field are highlighted allowing a new value to be entered without clearing the previous value. This saves the extra step of pressing Clear Fields.

We hope that you enjoy this utility and get some good use out of it. As always, we are open to suggestions and comments. Comments

Trouble Shooting

As with any software, users sometimes run into problems when using it. So we have added some common problems and their solutions.
Q:  How can I tell what version of the program I am running?
A:  Select Help, then About from the menu in the program and the About dialog will appear. In this dialog you will see the version number. To obtain the latest version point your web browser to http://www.runningdeerfarms.com and go to the software downloads page.